I must say I really do enjoy your blog! It’s a fun read and I’m glad you are still going strong on the bike. I noticed a comment up above you mentioned about figuring out a way to fend off the spammer-bots from your site. The inner geek in me feels the need to offer some advice. Have you ever heard of a robots.txt file? Google search that and try creating your own, that should solve that problem. Here is a website to get you started. http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html
I thought you would like to know, it looks like you’ve misspelled the word “troglodite” on your website. Silly mistakes can ruin your site’s credibility. In the past I’ve used a tool like SpellingScan.com to keep mistakes off my website.
Site looks great.
Thanks John, I just have to figure out a way to fend off the spammer-bots…dirty bums, commenting crazyness!
Jerry –
I must say I really do enjoy your blog! It’s a fun read and I’m glad you are still going strong on the bike. I noticed a comment up above you mentioned about figuring out a way to fend off the spammer-bots from your site. The inner geek in me feels the need to offer some advice. Have you ever heard of a robots.txt file? Google search that and try creating your own, that should solve that problem. Here is a website to get you started.
Thanks man! Glad you like it and I’ll for sure try out your suggestion. Cheers!
Glad to read your blog about climbing with Tom and to see photos of your home. Think of you often and hope you are doing well. Cheers, gil
I thought you would like to know, it looks like you’ve misspelled the word “troglodite” on your website. Silly mistakes can ruin your site’s credibility. In the past I’ve used a tool like SpellingScan.com to keep mistakes off my website.
-Scott Matthews Sr.
Thanks, Scott!