Yes, I Wear Spandex

To another group within the group “cycling”, the club riders and racers, the bike is a recreational activity; like hunting, fishing, or…er…umm…Irish road bowling. The problem here is, seeing the bike as a pastime and the paved road a playing field has with it inherent contradictions to the motor-dominated status quo, no? As a recreational […]

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European Distrust

What I’m asking here is, though the people come and go, can a feeling, a sentiment, or responses linger on? Of course it can, safe in the continuity of a civilization’s ethos. Much like the schoolyard game of telephone, where one child would say a short phrase into another’s ear, then that phrase would get […]

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The Mantra

There are two things that need to be done to fix this “groupism”. First, realize its presence in everyday life, this is mindfulness, then broaden your definition to be more inclusive…you need a bigger group. Make the group you share big enough and you’ll have no group at all; all will be one, the crooked tree–straight, […]

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The Basics

There is a war out there on the streets, a little war for sure (if there is such a thing), but a war none-the-less with it’s fair share of casualties. 2009 showed something like 630 deaths and close to 60,000 related injuries. Statistics aren’t really kept up to date on the subject on a federal […]

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