European Distrust

What I’m asking here is, though the people come and go, can a feeling, a sentiment, or responses linger on? Of course it can, safe in the continuity of a civilization’s ethos. Much like the schoolyard game of telephone, where one child would say a short phrase into another’s ear, then that phrase would get […]

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We the Consumer

With the bike now off the road for all intents and purposes as a mode of adult transportation…at home, but content minding the kids, teaching skills of balance and basic first aid, teaching that taking things apart is often easier than putting them back together again, teaching would-be engineers the finer points of ramp building […]

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Heeding my…err…bike’s advice I started to snoop around, do a little research, and found the following… Early automobile history is fraught with controversy, patent disputes, and in-fighting…so wading into that soal too deep could be all-consuming, deadly and thick black bottom mud holding you fast, and still yield no actual truths. I mean, knowing how subjective any history […]

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