Retro and the Muse

I picked up my pen and began to write. It is a well-balanced Retro 51 Tornado that cost me twenty-five dollars. Retro calls it a tornado because you have to twist the top to bare the nib. Without the twist, there will be nothing but scratches across the smooth Moleskine paper.

20160213_105139Do great tools produce better work?

Does the Muse whisper a bit louder in your ear if you have the best materials?

Can a masterpiece be drawn across a napkin?

One response

  1. Only masters of across the table muse know the true beauty and lethal power of the well-balance Retro 51 Tornado, with bared nib. It goes right to the heart, if you know what I mean. Great tools may not produce better work, but they certainly prove their point.

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