You can hear it, no? The woods, they’re whispering.
Yes, I can hear it. You can feel it too!
The bite, the nip, the morning’s chill…all the leaves a’rustle…rasped by a holy verse, a choral hymn on winds of change.
Time to shut’er down boys, time to pull the plug on a Summer’s growth, drain the green…spark the crazy!
All the while the little ones frantically work at gathering seeds, fattening up, and squirreling away what’s left.
And the deer, oh the deer, all a’bother in the rut.
Ah seeds…they are a fall thing you know.
Senses. Fine-tuned, evolved systems capable of providing singular and/or blended pleasure of the highest degree, ready and able to deliver, for most, at the drop of a hat. And it doesn’t cost a dime, just a little time. What a waste to go through life senseless.
This was indeed, a beautifully described scene of sensory observation.
Thanks for the pleasure.